Table of contents

1. Obtaining a statement from Metro Bank

2. Importing the Statement file

2.1 Select account

2.2 Upload file

2.3 Map file to fields

2.4 Duplicates

2.4.1 Using imported statements in combination with bank feeds

3. Post Import

4. Explaining Transactions

Importing your bank transactions from a CSV file is easy.  Exporting the file is one-click from Metro Bank, and Clear Books will detect any duplicates that you have already imported to streamline the process. To begin you will need to download your statement. With your credentials to hand, it should only take roughly 5 minutes to complete this process.

1. Obtaining a statement from Metro Bank

To obtain a bank statement file, log into your bank account online and navigate to the 'Accounts' page. Select a month and you will see a link that says 'Export transactions to CSV'. Please see the screenshot below for further details. 

2. Importing the Statement file

This section explains the process of uploading the file and mapping the statement.

To begin, navigate to the Money > Bank statements > Import statement menu.

2.1 Select account

Under the 'Import a bank statement from a file' heading, select your Metro Bank account from the drop-down box and hit 'Select account'.

2.2 Upload file

Click on the 'Choose file' button and select your statement file that you downloaded from Metro Bank. 

Select a payment method in the drop-down box provided if you would like every transaction on the statement to use this payment method. The payment method can be changed as each transaction is explained.

Click on the 'Upload' button to continue.

2.3 Map file to fields

The Metro Bank CSV statement is in the following layout as viewed in a spreadsheet:

If this is the first time you are importing a CSV statement for Metro Bank, you can map this in Clear Books in the following way:

Make sure to ignore the balance column as this will be calculated in Clear Books

2.4 Duplicates 

Directly after clicking upload button, the system will also automatically remove any duplicates that are found on the statement being imported. Duplicates are considered to be transactions, on the statement being imported that have the same date, description and value as a transaction on a previously imported statement. 

If the system picks up an duplicates, you can review the duplicates found by the system by clicking on the 'See them here' button. Please be aware that the system will not import these transactions so click on the 'Carry on with import' button to complete the process.

2.4.1 Using imported statements in combination with bank feeds

If you were previously using automatic bank feeds and have switched to importing transactions using this guide, please note that if you switch back to using bank feeds in future, by reauthenticating the feed. then make sure to set the start date correctly. The start date will need to follow on from your last manual import end date.

3. Post Import

Once you have completed the mapping stage and imported the statement, this mapping is saved on the the Tools > Import > Overview > Manage import Mappings menu. This means that the next time you import a statement, the system will remember the mapping and apply this automatically. 

Your imported statements will appear on the Money > Bank accounts menu under the table headed Imported statements that need explaining. 

4. Explaining Transactions

Once you have imported your statement you can begin explaining transactions so that they update the reports and bank account balances of your Clear Books account.

The Bank Explain screen overview

You can view all fully explained imported statements on the Money > Bank Statements > History menu.