GoCardless is a Direct Debit payment merchant which will allow you to take payments for invoices within Clear Books. The system will mark these invoices as paid and apply the GoCardless fee automatically. You require a GoCardless account to use this feature. 

How to set up and use the GoCardless integration

The way this works is that you create a Direct Debit mandate with your customer. The Direct Debit mandate is essentially an agreed amount of money that your customer allows you to take payment from for any of their invoices in Clear Books. You can choose to take payments manually or automatically from these Direct Debit mandates.

This guide explains how to create a Direct Debit mandate. If you have created Direct Debit mandates in your GoCardless account, you can link them to customer in Clear Books.

How to link existing Direct Debit mandates to customers

Request a mandate from an invoice

Head to Sales > Invoices and click on an unpaid invoice number.

Under the Payment history table click on the mandate request link below the Active Direct Debit mandates header.

You will be redirected to the Tools > Integrations > GoCardless > Mandates menu.

When you email an invoice or customer statement, a secure customer statement link will be included in the email message by default. The customer statement link displays an option for your customer to set up a Direct Debit mandate.

Request a mandate from the GoCardless Menu

Head to Tools > Integrations > GoCardless > Mandates.

Select a customer under the Add new mandate heading and click on the Request mandate button.

The customer must have an email address so that the mandate request can be sent

Your customer will receive an email to confirm the mandate request as per below:

All requested mandates will appear in the 'Requested mandates' table. You can re-send or cancel these requests using the 'Manage' drop down field. 

All accepted mandates will appear in the 'Existing mandates' table. You can cancel these at any time. The 'Total' shows the agreed mandate limit and the 'Remaining' shows how much outstanding from the total amount you have left to take for other invoices. The remaining amount resets back to the total mandate  each month.

GoCardless Direct Debit mandate statuses