Export stock items from a prior system and import into Clear Books using the stock import tool. See the steps below for details on how to format the data and import successfully into Clear Books. 

Step 1.

Navigate to Tools > Import > Overview.

Step 2.

Click on CSV import

Step 3.

Click on either the Sales Items link or the Purchase Items link.

Both import tools have the same options to import sales, purchases or both types of stock items.

Step 4.

Download a template by clicking on the link within ' Click here to download a sample'.

Step 5.

Copy the data from the exported file (from a previous system) to the appropriate columns on the template, or alternatively copy the columns headers from the template to the exported file and delete the columns that are not used.

Step 6.

Check the data and make sure there are no gaps between rows, all the required fields have been filled in, there are no zero valued invoices and no non-standard punctuation (e.g. ! ? # *).

The required field for the stock items is just the item name. If the field Is Stock Item is set to 1 then the system will track the balance of the item each time it is applied to an invoice.

Step 7.

Head back to  Tools > Import > Overview.

Step 8.

Click on the Sales Items or Purchase items link.

Step 9.

Drag and drop a file or click to select one.

Step 10.

Map the fields in Clear Books to the appropriate columns of the spreadsheet and click 'Import'.

Please note: If sales items have been imported before and there are issues importing the new file, try deleting the mapping before importing the new file. If there are still issues importing the file then please contact support and attach a copy of the file that needs to be imported.